
Getting through the day, one cup at a time.

26 Days

It had seemed for the longest time that Christmas still a long enough way away. Not so much any more.

Monday heralds the beginning of December and therefore the beginning of the craziness. We have finished our shopping for the immediate family, and, up until this morning, we had also finished the extended family. I just found out that two additional family members will be joining us for Christmas dinner.

My to-do list for the next 26 days includes:

Buy gifts for 4 teachers.

Buy a gift for one additional family member.

Finish crocheting the sleeves for the last shrug. (because I am a crazy person who buys big dresses for her kids that she has to adjust and come with short sleeved shrugs that I have to create sleeves for)

Take a Christmas picture of the kids for our cards.

Write and send Christmas cards.

Buy our tree.




How is your list looking these days? Time is ticking.

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The Last PTA Meeting I Will Ever Attend

Imagine being in this mother’s shoes. I would have burst into tears.

I am an ally.

Raising My Rainbow

PTA-logoImagine my utter delight when I learned that at the next PTA meeting, someone would be speaking about the anti-bullying laws in place to protect LGBT and gender creative kids.

Although I’m a card-carrying PTA member, I’ve attended only three PTA meetings in my six years as mother to an elementary-school-aged child. Each time I sat through the meeting feeling like the PTA wasn’t the place for me.

But, hell, if they were going to be discussing LGBT and gender issues, maybe I had been wrong.

I walked into the crowded Multipurpose Room and found a seat in the back corner by myself. I listened as the PTA board and its members ran through the agenda. When they started passionately discussing the nutritional value of whole-wheat goldfish crackers versus original goldfish crackers, I tuned out. I will never argue about goldfish crackers; of that you can be sure.

Finally it…

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It’s almost Christmas

My lovely husband and I went Christmas shopping for the girls this morning. We’re almost done everything. We still need to buy our tree in December, decorate, handle Christmas cards, and Santa pictures, but gift wise we’re in the final stretch.

This year we’re giving charitable donations to the extended family. Has anyone else had any experience with this?

Happy November!



Constant Disarray

Theave been living in a state of constant disarray lately because we have been organizing the storage room in the basement, and tearing up old (moldy) carpet to build a playroom in the basement for the kids. 

During this time, Ally and Kira had their birthday parties, we received a pool (which now has another hole in it), a play set (which had to be constructed), our dryer broke, and the bathroom faucets needed repair and finishing. 

The playroom is now finished (barring one light fixture) and our house is chaotically messy. It’s going to be a week long process to try to tidy this nonsense. 

And hang every load of laundry on the line to dry…